Project Description


The sport has been around since Dunlop invented the inflatable tyre. Although a bike is a basic tool for the sport it has never stopped the sport of cycling being at the forefront of technology advancements.

This particularly is the case in cycling uniforms, the sport has lead the way with moisture management, aero-dynamic design and safety requirements. You will find CS91 cycling uniforms are the leaders in this field.


Triathlons came to prominence with the Hawiian Ironman triathlon that started in the eighties. Now an Olympic sport covering smaller distances, but nonetheless requiring complete endurance from the athlete.

The uniforms need to provide comfort and protection over three different disciplines, swim, cycle and run, as such the most advanced materials need to be used. CS91 3D sports lycra is used to facilitate the best result for the athlete.

What we can do for you

– Custom Design
– Supply of Jersey
– Bulk Discounts Available

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